Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Natural History Museum

Wow it's been a long time since I blogged! So much so in fact that for a minute I actually couldn't remember how to create a new post. Shocking!!

My dizziness is still with me but I've been prescribed some medication which helps, but doesn't get rid of it entirely. I'm trying to get on with things (obviously I HAVE to go to work) cos I can't lie on the sofa all day, everyday - well I could but I might get sore :) and I don't think munchkin E will let me.

So what's been happening I hear you cry.

Well, On the first weekend where we actually got to see the sun we decided to take munchkin E to the Natural History Museum.
side note* - i'm going to be calling Ettien munchkin E as Ettien sounds too formal today and well, he is a munchkin and his name begins with the letter E! Ha! 
It wasn't really very warm even though it was sunny, so it seemed like a good idea to go somewhere that would be fun but also indoors.
Munchkin E LOVED it! When we walked in, the first thing he said was 'Ooooow'(which is how he says wow) and according to him every animal was a dog and they all say 'woof, woof' :)

A dog. This dog says Raaaaaaaa!!
another dog
I think this one is actually a dog. Might have been a wolf, wolves are dogs...right?
yep, you guessed it, a dog :)
Hippo says 'woo woo' (woof woof)
talking to Elephant's on the phone. D'you think there are pachyderm iPhones? (terrible!)
We had a really great day and I think E did too as he refused to hold our hands and wanted to run around everywhere!

Next on our list this summer are The London Aquarium, Science Museum and London Zoo. Look out cos little Munchkin E's coming for ya!


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