Sunday, 22 July 2012

Very Bad Blogger :(

I'm ashamed by the amount of time I've been away from the blogging world *hangs head in shame.
I have come to a realisation though. As much as I would love to be able to write a new post everyday, I just don't have the time. At the moment I can hardly keep up with my emails and tweets, so blogging doesn't even come into my mind.
In the past I have felt really guilty about not keeping up to date but I have now come to the realisation that with everything I have going on at the moment, this blog is just going to have to take a back seat.

Nooooo! I hear you cry (well maybe not, but let me dream a little) don't be alarmed, I will continue to write. I have set myself a target of one post a week, any more than that even better, but I no longer want to stress about it and let's be honest I don't think there has ever been a consistent stream of posts since I started. Lol!

So anyway, A flash update on goings on

1. The weather has been crap! (but you knew that already didn't you)
2. I celebrated a birthday and therefore am now one year older
3. E is now 18 months, had his first haircut and I think I can now say he is definitely getting into the 'terrible twos' - can anybody say tantrum? He also has 8 teeth coming through (four pre molars - which are pretty much all out now - and four canines)
4. There have been lots of goings on with napmit and there will be some new designs on the site soon - post on this soon.
5. We have just come back from the BEST holiday in Spain ever! Lot's of sun, food, family and naked babies!
6. The Olympics are starting soon! (of course you know that too) We were lucky enough to get some tickets to go to the rehearsal of the opening ceremony and will be attending this wednesday. We also have some Olympic inspired bows available - post to come.

Well I think that's it - I said it was a quick round-up!

Speak soon. xx

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