Friday, 27 April 2012

16 Months!!

Alongside his teething problems, my little man has turned 16 months today.

I'm telling you he has never been so much fun! This is definitely the best stage he has been at yet - admittedly I've said that about every stage, as and when they have happened.
He's such a joker and he has started to do these naughty/cheeky little things that have me busting a gut trying not to laugh whilst asserting my authority and trying to discipline him :)

His speech is coming on leaps and bounds. It seems like everyday he's saying something new or saying words clearer than he had been before.
He has started to call after his dad when he leaves the room and when he wants something from him (no, 'mummy' calling yet though. Hmpf!). His little voice melts my heart!

So here he is, that boy of mine, at 16 months.

Stuff he loves
1. 'Tighter, tighter' hugs (he clenches his bum instead of squeezing tighter. So funny!)
2. Constantly saying 'Who's that!' and pointing to inanimate objects.
3.  Eating mummy's breakfast after he's just finished his own.
4. Kissing mummy to wake her up (lovely!)
5. Sitting on mummy's tummy to wake her up (not so lovely!) 
6. Pouring EVERY bit of his drink onto a surface and then spreading it around with his fingers.
7. Pinching mummy - he laughs hysterically when I squeal.
8. Bath time.
9. Cuddles with mummy when he's going to sleep.
10. Dancing & singing 'The Wheels on the Bus'.

It feels like I did his 15 month post a day ago. Go easy father time!

Love you more and more everyday Mr!

Keep growing,

Mummy. Xx 

1 comment:

  1. hello! thanks for your comment on my blog, I love hearing from people and finding new blogs in return!

    What a cutie your son is! Can't wait to read more posts and see more pictures!

    abigail x
