Wednesday, 4 April 2012

London Stinks!

Is it just me or does this city really pong!?

When I say 'is it me' I mean, am I the only one that thinks that?, but to be honest I'm starting to wonder about the other meaning too. I feel like everywhere I go I smell something horrible. So maybe it is me??...Nah!
It's definitely London, don't get me wrong, I love this place. I'm was born and bred here, but man London ya' do reek sometimes.

A random pic of my shoes. They are nice though! :)
  I left work yesterday marching furiously blissfully skipping home and as soon as I stepped into the tube station I was greeted with the smell of old dirty feet. Yuck. I foolishly had hope that once I was on the train it would go, which either it did or it remained but had been completely overpowered by the overwhelming smell of body odour! My second train journey was even worse. I had to endure the 15 minute (a long time in the world of bad smells) journey home trying really hard not to gag at the smell of stale deodorant and garbage mixed with a woman eating what can only be described as 'cat pee' flavoured snack'a'jacks. (*note to snack'a'jacks. please, please, please discountinue the cat pee flavour of your crisps or atleast add a disclaimer to the packet advising people not to eat them on public transport)

I ended up fleeing as soon as the train arrived at my station - imitating Violet from Charlie and the chocolate factory after she chewed the experimental gum that turned her into a big blueberry - cheeks puffed out and bright red from lack of oxygen I fumbled through the crowds and out the station to the wonderful smell of fresh air...hold on...wait a minute...fresh air? Think again, more like the wonderful aroma of sick and stagnant beer!

London I luv ya' but ya do 'alf reek sometimes!!! (pinches nose with thumb and forefinger)

*it's quite fitting that this week a colleague at work sent me a link to a really great blog Go check it out, it's very funny! 

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