Friday, 27 April 2012

Tales from the tube

I promised this would be a weekly post didn't I?
Unfortunately though, the tube has been pretty uneventful lately.
The only things I've seen recently are a middle aged couple having a full one make-out session on the northern line and a lady falling flat on her face at embankment station - neither of which I could really take a picture of. What a weirdo I'd be!

Anyway I came across this on my way home the other day.

I'm sorry but isn't this a bit of an oxymoron?? I mean, doesn't having your bike on the tube kinda defeat the object of HAVING A BIKE?? So, by this guys philosophy could I drive my car on to the tube? At least with having your car on the tube you might say that there was far too much traffic and you had a very important engagement to attend. But the bike?, there are bike lanes! Come on man!!

Saying all of that though, his (what looks like) clay encrusted trousers did kind of intrigue me. What does this guy do for a living?
My mind wanders into the areas of undertakers and grave digging.
I'll leave it at that!...


  1. This post made me giggle. Honestly why take your v muddy bike on the tube!? Silly..... & a waste of space x

    1. Hi Bex!
      Thanks for reading my blog!

      My sentiments exactly!
      As you can imagine he got many dirty looks that day. :)

