Monday 16 April 2012

Everything and nothing

Have you ever had one of those days where you have everything to do, but nothing gets done? Well, that was me on Friday. I had a million things to do, but managed to do none of them!

I had even used Thursday to prepare things that I thought might help me to get things done as I knew Ettien would try his best to make it difficult for me - my son's 'difficult' times always seem to coincidentally coincide with me trying to do something important. In this case, a presentation to do for work, a report, a whole bunch of bow making and other stuff for and a thousand bits of housework which are not worth going into any details about - I figured that I'd have at least four solid chunks of time where I could cram some stuff in, his morning nap, lunchtime, dinner time, then of course after he'd gone to bed. I made him some mini quiches and a vegetable lasagne on the Thursday in hopes that he'd sit nicely feeding himself them for lunch while I worked away.

broccoli and tuna & sweetcorn quiches and vegetable lasagne
Of course when Friday came Ettien decided he wanted to spend the whole morning sitting on my lap, annoyingly pressing the keys on my laptop each and EVERY time I made a feeble attempt to type anything. And when nap time came, a usually 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap was only 20 minutes!! Grrrr.
Lunchtime was a total disaster, he'd eat neither the quiches (deciding he'd make crumble mix with them instead) or the Lasagne (which he just spat out).

I decided I'd give up for the day when he started throwing the portable heater around the room (don't worry it wasn't on, and yes it was very entertaining watching him) and lay down inside the shelf of the TV stand. He ended up falling asleep in my arms and I took the opportunity not to do some work but to have a cheeky snooze myself.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! (and oh how good it felt)


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